Guidelines for Handling Wear and Tear: Plastic Cards Care

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How to Handle Wear and Tear on Your Plastic Cards for Long-Lasting Use

Whether it's a membership card for your favorite store, an ID badge to swipe into the office, or a loyalty card for that coffee shop you simply adore, plastic cards are a part of our everyday lives. But with all that swiping, tapping, and day-to-day shuffling, how do you make sure these little pieces of your brand's identity can stand the test of time? At Plastic Card ID , we're all about making sure your cards stay as shiny and functional as the day they were printed.

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Let's dig into the nitty-gritty of keeping your plastic cards in tip-top shape. It's not just about keeping them clean though that's huge it's about smart habits that can significantly extend the life of your cards. Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to preserving your cards" integrity and appearance.

First thing's first, keep them out of the sun! Just like your skin, plastic doesn't play well with long sunbathing sessions. The UV rays can cause your cards to warp, fade, and even crack. Find a nice, shady spot for your card when it's not in use your wallet or purse is a perfect sanctuary!

Also, keep in mind that your cards hate extreme temperatures just as much as your phone does. Don't leave them sitting in a hot car or anywhere they can get chilled or overheated. Such conditions aren't just uncomfortable they're damaging!

When it's time to clean your cards, a gentle wipe with a soft cloth is your go-to move. Avoid abrasive cleaners and scrubbers, as they can leave unsightly scratches and make barcodes or magnetic stripes unreadable.

They may seem tough, but your plastic cards have feelings, too - okay, not really, but you get the idea. Treat them with care, use a light touch when swiping, and keep them stored in a way that doesn't bend or twist them.

Something as simple as removing your card from your wallet when sitting or keeping it in a cardholder can significantly reduce wear and tear.

  • Invest in a cardholder to prevent bending and scratches.
  • Avoid stacking cards with raised lettering on top of each other to prevent imprinting.
  • For cards not used daily, store them in a safe, flat spot away from potential harm.

To clean your cards, softly dab them with a damp cloth and a touch of soap. Remember, just like your favorite vinyl record, less is more. A gentle wipe here and there, and your card will thank you by staying readable and presentable for much longer.

Steer clear of solvents or alcohol-based cleaners which can break down the materials and print on your cards.

Another way to keep your cards in great shape is to avoid unnecessary contact with other hard surfaces. Keys and coins aren't card-friendly. Consider a separate compartment in your wallet or purse just for your plastic accessories.

The less your cards rub up against potential scratch-causers, the better.

Every now and then, give your cards a once-over. Look for any signs of wear and tear that could turn into a bigger issue down the road. Catching things early is always a plus!

If you do notice a card starting to look a bit worse for wear, reach out to us at PCID by dialing 800.835.7919 - whether you need advice or a replacement, we've got you covered.

As much as we love keeping cards alive forever, sometimes it's just time to let go. When your card has danced its last dance, recycling is the way to go, though remember, we're not diving deep into eco-talk here. Just know that it's a smart move to dispose of your plastic responsibly, and a simple internet search can guide you to the nearest recycling facility that accepts plastic cards.

Now, back to keeping those cards in action! Regular maintenance and careful handling will go a long way, but so will choosing the right card in the first place. That's where our expertise comes in handy!

With a variety of high-quality card options and top-notch printing services, we ensure every card starts off on the right foot or swipe. And with a little TLC, your cards will be swiping strong for years to come.

Going for quality cards from the get-go is like choosing a sturdy luggage set-it can handle being tossed around a bit. At PCID , we provide cards that are up to the challenge of daily use.

And it's not just about the cards themselves the printing matters, too. A card printed with top-tier techniques and materials is more likely to retain its text and images, even under stress.

Depending on the type of card you're dealing with, there might be specific care tips that are relevant. That's something we can help with-tailored advice for your particular cards.

From cleaning to storing, different cards have different needs. We know all the ins and outs, so give us a buzz for personalized pointers!

Sometimes, despite all efforts, a card needs to be replaced. If your brand's face is looking a bit faded or the swipe stripe is more swipe and less stripe you know who to call.

We can help assess the state of your cards and provide replacements that bring your brand's image back to its shining glory.

We're more than just a voice on the other end of the phone we're your plastic card care partners. Along with our cards and printing services, we can hook you up with the accessories and knowledge to keep your cards in prime condition.

And if you're not sure where to start or what your cards need, just reach out at 800.835.7919 for a friendly chat and expert guidance!

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Maintaining the aesthetic appeal and functional integrity of your plastic cards is a task we take seriously at Plastic Card ID . We're in the business of ensuring your cards are a true and lasting testament to your brand's quality and resilience. Our advice isn't just talk it's backed by experience and a genuine desire to see your cards thrive.

Remember, plastic cards are more than just tools for transactions; they're part of your brand's image and every bit as crucial as any other aspect of your branding. So, take the time to care for them, and they'll serve you well in return.

When you're ready for a card refresh, to stock up on card-care supplies, or you just want to chat about the best way to tackle a stubborn smudge, give your card-care comrades a shout. Reach out to us at 800.835.7919 we service everyone, nationwide, no matter the card calamity!

Take pride in your plastic cards and make sure every swipe, tap, and display is a reflection of the high standards you hold. And remember, when it comes to expert tips and all things card-related, Plastic Card ID is just a call away at 800.835.7919 . Let's make those cards last and leave a lasting impression!